Mark Linnane uses generative procedures to make work that has unanticipated emergent qualities. He is interested in simple systems that generate rich output and that can be realized in software, moving image, sound and assemblages of objects. Previous work includes Splitzo, a cycle of video pieces made in collaboration with the improvised music ensemble, Cortisol (2010), selected for Punto y Raya Madrid 2011; Walk Don’t Run (2008), a dance film in association with Catapult Dance Company, commissioned by Project Arts Centre; Art of Decision (2005-2006), a feature documentary commissioned by the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Trinity College, and The Weathering (2004), a concert film for Donnacha Dennehy’s music which was premiered at Lincoln Centre, New York in 2004.
This is one of ten pieces made in collaboration with the improvised music group, Cortisol. The visual source material is of the Dublin docklands. This has been manipulated with a vertical mirroring filter, edited and colour treated in response to the music.
This project was funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.
Stressed Desserts from Mark Linnane on Vimeo.